MSME Competitive Lean Scheme (MCLS) is a government initiative launched by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) to enhance the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. The scheme aims to improve the productivity and profitability of MSMEs by implementing lean manufacturing tools and techniques.

The scheme also provides for capacity building and training of MSMEs in lean manufacturing techniques through a network of lean manufacturing groups and experts. The aim is to create a pool of trained professionals who can provide technical assistance to MSMEs in adopting lean manufacturing practices.

The primary objective of the MSME Competitive Lean Scheme (MCLS) is to enhance the competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. The scheme aims to achieve this objective by promoting the adoption of lean manufacturing techniques and methodologies by MSMEs.

The specific objectives of the MCLS scheme are as follows:

  • • To improve the productivity and efficiency of MSMEs through the implementation of lean manufacturing techniques.
  • • To reduce waste, improve quality, and enhance the competitiveness of MSMEs in the global market.
  • • To provide financial assistance to MSMEs for implementing lean manufacturing techniques in their production processes.
  • • To provide capacity building and training to MSMEs in lean manufacturing techniques through a network of lean manufacturing clusters and experts.
  • • To create a pool of trained professionals who can provide technical assistance to MSMEs in adopting lean manufacturing practices.
  • • To encourage MSMEs to adopt best practices in lean manufacturing, leading to their growth and development.

Overall, the objective of the MCLS scheme is to promote the growth and development of MSMEs in the country by making them more competitive in the global market through the adoption of lean manufacturing practices.

MSME COMPETITIVE LEAN SCHEME (MCLS) is not mandatory by the Government; it is a voluntary scheme which will provide the MSMEs a roadmap to global competitiveness.

All manufacturing sector MSMEs registered with the UDYAM registration portal (of the MoMSME) will be eligible to participate in MSME Competitive Lean Scheme.

Visit the LEAN website (https://lean.msme.gov.in/) and click on the register for scheme tab. You will then be directed to the Login/Registration Page where you will have to put your Udyam registration number and associated mobile number to proceed further. Once the validation is done you have to read and take the LEAN Pledge and Undertaking.

The MSME Competitive Lean Scheme will be implemented nationwide through implementing agencies (QCI and NPC) on behalf of MoMSME

The MSME Competitive Lean Scheme (MCLS) involves several activities aimed at promoting the adoption of lean manufacturing techniques by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. Some of the major activities involved in the MCLS scheme are as follows:

The MSME Competitive Lean Scheme is to be implemented in three levels

• Basic- Free of Cost.

• Intermediate- 90% Subsidy on implementation cost of the consultant fees.

• Advanced- 90% Subsidy on implementation cost of the consultant fees.

The handholding activity in the scheme will be allocated to Consulting Organizations which have been empaneled by Quality Council of India and National Productivity Council. The handholding will be carried out by consultants from these empaneled Organizations.

Please click on http://lean.qci.org.in/files/Approved%20MSME%20Competitive(LEAN)%20Scheme_Guidelines_07_10_2022.pdf

Yes. This MSME Competitive Lean Scheme covers all the MSME sectors belonging to manufacturing.

. No, the allocation will be done by the implementing agency through a pre-defined process. MSMEs can provide the list of preferred consultant organization to the implementation agency. Consultant will be allocated to MSME from the pool of selected consultant through financial and technical bidding process, wherein technical proficiency carries 70% weightage and financial weightage carries 30% weightage.

At present this scheme is designed for the manufacturing MSMEs of India, the second phase of the scheme will be opened for service sector.

. No. Only the UDYAM registered MSMEs can participate in this scheme

The scheme is applicable for all states/UTs of India.

The Ministry of MSME will provide a subsidy of 90% to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. There will be an additional subsidy of 5% for the MSMEs owned by Women/SC/ST Entrepreneurs and ₹ 5000/ per MSME shall be given to OEM/ Association after completing all stages of lean intervention.

For more detail about the scheme you can download the guidelines of the scheme by following this scheme:http://lean.qci.org.in/files/Approved%20MSME%20Competitive(LEAN)%20Scheme_Guidelines_07_10_2022.pdf