Consultant Details
Company Name Total Quality Professional Group
Year of Establishment 2005
Address #130A, 1st Floor Ludhiana,PUNJAB, 141015
Contact Person Sunil Kumar
Mobile No 9915006430
Email id
Total Working Consultant in LMC Details 4
1 Sunil Kumar - (PUNJAB)
2 Ravi Ranjan Kumar - (PUNJAB)
3 Shailendra Mohan - (PUNJAB)
4 Chandra Shekhar Yadav - (PUNJAB)
Project Details
1 To reduce Rejection by 2.5% in next six (06) months (up to July, 2019) , leads to a saving of Approx Rs. 29.0 Lacs per month.
2 To reduce the rejections of Handle Bar from 13241 ppm to 8000 ppm (reduction of 5241 ppm) within a period of five months. This will reduce the Cost of Poor Quality by 1, 87,200/- per annum.
3 To improve housekeeping, storage of Tools and dies, finish goods and increase in space for storage of Tools and dies.
4 Rejection level of ERW steel tubes is on higher side i.e. 1.4% per month, causing the Cost of Poor Quality of Rs. 1.72 Lacs per month.
5 To reduce 50% break down hours in F.Y. 2016-17 from 1280 Hrs. (F.Y. 2015-16) and improve OEE.
6 To improve housekeeping, storage of finish goods and increase in space for storage of ERW Steel Tube